Shared Folder!

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Physical copies of the Shared Folder! Trilogy.
Physical copies of the Shared Folder! Trilogy.

Shared Folder! (Japanese: 共有フォルDA!, Shared FolDA!) is a collection of short (mostly single page) comics produced in 2006 by Malino and Naruse from the DejaVu circle, firstly published on the web, then as printed copies, and finally as an e-book.

The final work is presented as a trilogy of parts titled

  1. Shared Folder! (共有フォルDA!)
  2. Shared Folder! Second Edition (共有フォルDA! SecondEdition) or SE
  3. Shared Folder! Service Pack (共有フォルDA! ServicePack) or SP

On the DejaVu site, two "seasons" are available. The first one is fully contained in the printed Shared Folder!, while the second one has two third of the pages contained in Shared Folder! SE and the rest in Shared Folder! SP. Along with Me Document, another work from DejaVu, 20000 physical copies were sold in total.

The physical copies are in the A5 format, have respectively 44, 36 and 32 pages, and were distributed for 600 yens each.

The downloadable copy consists of a single PDF containing a concatenation of the trilogy, with a few changes from the physical version, and can still be purchased nowadays for 1650 yens.

It is worth to note that only the first Shared Folder! and the comics published on the website are entirely safe for a general public, the two others and e-book contain a few nudity or pornographic scenes.


The three books and the website all provide character lists; Shared Folder! provides two additional Server characters, Nikesaba-tan and NTsaba-tan.

Shared Folder! Main Characters
  • Saba-tan, Nikesaba-tan and NTsaba-tan
  • MS-DOS 5.0
  • Virus
  • Norton
  • Linux
  • HUDOS-tan

Also, the regular XP-tan design represents XP Home Edition in the story, but she also has a Professional form for the Professional Edition.

Shared Folder!

15 pages are published on the website under the title Shared Folder! First Season (共有フォルDA!ファーストシーズン). The printed edition and e-book contain all of them and add 16 more comic pages and a couple of eyecatches. There is no difference between the physical and electronic copies.

Table of Contents

As found in the printed and e-book editions.

Page Original Title Translation Webcomic Page
1 まえがき・目次 Preface / Table of Contents
2 登場人物紹介1 Character Introduction 1 Character List
3 登場人物紹介2 Character Introduction 2
4 カタカタいうよ It's Rattling 1
5 謎の手首 Mysterious Wrist 2
6 サスペンド前編 Suspension, Part 1 3
7 アイキャッチ Eyecatch
8 サスペンド後編 Suspension, Part 2 4
9 リンゴ疑惑 Apple Suspicion 5
10 頑張ります I Will Do My Best 6
11 釣りキチMeたん Fishing Expert Me-tan 7
12 ニューミレニアム New Millennium 8
13 頼られる女の苦労 The Hardships of a Dependable Woman 9
14 頑張れMeたん前編 Hang in There Me-tan, Part 1 10
15 頑張れMeたん後編 Hang in There Me-tan, Part 2 11
16 2kたん開発中 2K-tan under Development 12
17 鯖たんズ Saba-tans 13
18 これ何ですか? What's This? 14
19 おみやげ Gift 15
20 家庭的 Homely
21 ウィルス前編 Virus, Part 1
22 ウィルス後編 Virus, Part 2
23 3つの願い前編 3 Wishes, Part 1
24 3つの願い後編 3 Wishes, Part 2
25 シャットダウンできない Can't Shutdown
26 美声 Beautiful Voice
27 シャットダウン? Shutdown?
28 ネットゲー Internet Game
29 ツイン Twin
30 トロイの木馬 Trojan Horse
31 みぃ〜どきゅめんと Me〜Document (eyecatch)
32 Stupid Argument 1
33 Stupid Argument 2
34 Stupid Argument 3
35 Stupid Argument 4
36 Stupid Argument 5
37 解説その1 Explanation 1 Explanations are directly included in the corresponding web page.
38 解説その2 Explanation 2
39 解説その3 Explanation 3
40 トーク・奥付 Discussion/Appendix

Shared Folder! Second Edition

15 pages are published on the website under the title Shared Folder! Second Season (共有フォルDA!セカンドシーズン), with 10 of them (1-10) ending up in the the printed edition and e-book, while the rest ends up in Shared Folder! SP. The physical version adds 9 more comic pages and several eyecatches including a hentai one. The e-book replaces it with a black and white comic page. A censored nudity scene in the webcomic is uncensored in the physical and downloadable version.

Table of Contents

As found in the printed and e-book editions.

Page Original Title Translation Webcomic Page
1 もくじ Introduction
2 登場人物紹介 Character Introduction Character List
3 登場人物紹介 Character Introduction
4 現役の理由 Reasons For Being Active 1
5 繋ぎっぱなし Leave It Connected 2
6 ドライバの検索 Search for Drivers 3
7 ゲスト: かわむらやすひと様 Guest: Yasuhito Kawamura (hentai eyecatch in the physical copy, black and white comic page in the e-book)
8 カテゴリー6 Category 6 4
9 リカバリー方法 Recovery Method 5
10 遠隔操作 Remote Control 6
11 ゲスト: タイタン様 Guest: Mr. Titan (eyecatch)
12 アドミニストレーター Administrator 8
13 テンポラリでぶらぼ~ Hanging Out Temporarily~ (uncensored nudity in the physical copy and e-book) 7 (censored with hot spring fog)
14 サービスパック Service Pack
15 ゲスト: GORO様 Guest: Mr. GORO (eyecatch)
16 Xeon 9
17 デュアルCPU Dual CPU
18 セキュリティー Security
19 ゲスト:畳様 絵様 Guest: Mr. Tatami (eyecatch)
20 起動画面 Boot Screen
21 パソ通 PC Communication 10
22 軽量化 Weight Saving
23 ゲスト: よつば様 Guest: Mr. Yotsuba (comic page)
24 大容量前編 Large Capacity, Part 1
25 大容量後編 Large Capacity, Part 2
26 マイスターにだけ Only For Masters
27 ゲスト:みずきひとし様 Guest: Mr. Hitoshi Mizuki (eyecatch)
28 解説1 Explanation 1 Explanations for pages taken from the webcomic are directly included in the corresponding web page.
29 解説2 お知らせ Explanation 2, News
30 お知らせ Notice
31 イラスト Illustration
32 あとがき・奥付 Postscript/Appendix

Shared Folder! Service Pack

The remaining 5 pages (11-15) from the Shared Folder! Second Season (共有フォルDA!セカンドシーズン) published on the web are included in the Shared Folder! SP printed edition and e-book, which add 13 more comic pages and a couple of eyecatches.

Table of Contents

As found in the printed and e-book editions.

Page Original Title Translation Webcomic Page
3 もくじ Introduction
4 登場人物紹介 Character Introduction Character List
5 登場人物紹介 Character Introduction
6 ブラウザ Browser 11
7 スミスフィールド Smithfield 13
8 中の人 The Person Inside (uncensored nudity)
9 コマンドが違う Wrong Command
10 親が来たモード Parent's Arrival Mode
11 粗品ディスクイラスト Disk Gift Illustration (eyecatch)
12 ペンギンのぬいぐるみ Stuffed Penguin
13 UPS
14 リモートもできない Can't Do Remote
15 許されない Not Allowed 12
16 NTFSで安心 Serenity With NTFS 14
17 ゲスト: 天童まくら様 Guest: Mr. Makura Tendo (comic)
18 いつまでも・・・ Forever...
19 ゲストOS Guest OS
20 NTたんの弱点 NT-tan's Weakness
21 Javaが違う Java is Different
22 IEEE1394
23 ゲスト: よつば様 Guest: Mr. Yotsuba (eyecatch)
24 ×64エディション x64 Edition
25 オルタナティブ Alternative 15
26 解説1 Explanation 1 Explanations for pages taken from the webcomic are directly included in the corresponding web page.
27 解説2 Explanation 2
28 お知らせ1 Notice 1
29 お知らせ2 Notice 2
30 あとがき・奥付 Postscript/Appendix

E-book Technical Data

  • File Name: (containing a single sharedfolder.pdf file)
  • File Size: 114960008 (115011976) bytes
  • MD5 Hash: 6edfcdda5342503f4a2901a7d627944b (e33377c198b90a031bb7e6158cb44060)
  • SHA1 Hash: b1c49c5d2b3cf1a73631dc6a3f04ade0687fb09c (2d09b6a58bfed8ff90fb3392a4a7c7566ab10ee2)

The PDF has 103 pages, with the three covers appearing each as one landscape page.

See Also

External Links