Futaba Channel Universe

From OS-tans.moe Wiki
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The term Futaba Channel Universe is used on the OS-tans.moe Wiki to refer to the collection of OS-tan related ideas originating from the Futaba Channel: characters, designs, backstories, etc.

Known Character Designers

Confirmed or very likely

  • The Me-tan (2003) creator is most likely no longer active, and had a now unavailable website hosted by Rakuten Infoseek[1].
  • XP Kaki-Aki (XP描きあき), also known as Nac, designed (~2004) XP-tan, DOS Prompt, and Dr. Norton, but is most likely no longer active. The artist had a now unavailable Geocities site (Playtown-Queen)[2].
  • Shimuro (しむろ) designed Seven-chan (2009) and 11-chan (2023). The artist, who also produces adult only content, is still active on Pixiv (User 4927), X (@simuro), and Skeb.jp (@simuro).
  • The X user @oga_yui_open, known as メガオーガ, designed Ten-chan (2016). The artist, who also produces adult only content, is still active on X, surikogi.dojin.com (pppoga), and Skeb.jp (@oga_yui_open). The person also has a Pixiv account (18292300), but does not appear to be active anymore, the last artwork being published in 2020.


  • The Seesaa Wiki claims that the Seven-chan Angel (2009) was proposed by someone called Omochi (おもち)[3].

Notes and References